Grace's Core Values

Grace of God
God's grace through Jesus Christ is the basis and power, not only of our personal lives, but also of our ministry.

Commitment to God and His Word
Our aspiration is that our ministries will be marked by a wholehearted devotion to God, through prayer and by studying, obeying and teaching His Word.

The Great Commission
Our ultimate goal and mission is to reach the whole world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to make disciples of all the nations.

The local church is God's vehicle for accomplishing the Great Commission. The church is the place for winning people to Christ, building them to maturity, raising up leaders, and for preparing church planting teams to be sent out for the expansion of God's kingdom.

Love and Unity
We desire our ministry to be marked by a Christ-like, selfless love, loyalty, and unity with fellow believers.

Raising Godly Families
Strong families are the foundation for strong churches. Therefore we make it a priority to equip members and pastors in building their marriages and families.

Every Member A Minister
All Christians are empowered through the Holy Spirit to be workers in the church, not just the pastors. Therefore we seek to equip each member to utilize his/her spiritual gifts to serve others.

Church Leadership
We place a priority upon raising up pastors and other leaders of Christ-like character within the local church.