
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus command that we MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations. We can do this by telling others about Jesus, spending time sharing with those eager to know more, and training others to do the same, so the gospel continues to spread to the ends of the earth.
See the opportunities to put this is in to to practice below!

At Grace, we value sharing the Gospel as you go and where you are! There are many opportunities to go sharing, whether it be a structured time or just grabbing a friend and dedicating some time to outreaching. We have to regular opportunities to learn or share the gospel.
Local Outreach
Our Monday Outreach Table is a weekly time engage with students and start gospel conversations.
Harvest Day is a time focused on sharing the gospel in our area and then coming back together to share how God worked.
Our next Harvest Day is March 1st. More Info Here: bit.ly/HarvestDay-3-1-25
There’s always an opportunity to partner with someone and go sharing. Looking for a buddy or someone to show you how? Let us know here.

Domestic Outreach
Go make disciples, support church plants and/or serve those in need. Especially note our summer LiNC projects where you can spend a month becoming effective in making disciples and growing spiritually while living in a Christ centered community.
Every spring and fall, Grace and Grace Christian Life take trips to partner up with other campus ministries or churches to provide laborers and share the Gospel alongside those ministries.
Spring Break 2025 - March 9-12th
Athens, GA - More Info Here
LiNC (Laborers impacting Nations Through Christ) Summer Mission Project provides a unique experience to spending a part of the summer dedicated to becoming effective in sharing the gospel and grow spiritually, while living in a Christ centered.
Occasionally we will offer other trips like service based trips to help ministries or exploratory trips. Check here to see if we are currently offering an opportunity.
Know of an opportunity and want to share it with us - send us an email and let us know!

International Outreach
Our connections with missionaries & organizations in various nations afford unique opportunities to be part of reaching the world, including unreached people groups. Some who learned to make disciples at Grace have been overseas or are still overseas to help these multiplying efforts.
February 2-12 - Africa Mission Trip - Please be praying for God to use those who went on the trip.
European Church Plants & Efforts
International LiNC Projects
Asian Opportunities
African Missions
Mexico / Latin America / Border Contacts

Learn to Make Disciples
Gospel Conversation Training is an opportunity to learn how to share the gospel with others and become more faithful in representing Jesus. You'll learn simple tools to help you get over fears and barriers so that you can lovingly communicate about Jesus - to those close to you, as well as those from other cultures.
A four-day training will help you learn a series of simple, effective and biblical tools for developing a Christ-centered vision, sharing your faith and equipping new disciples.
Next Step Leadership is a workshop on understanding God’s Heart and everyday discipleship so that you can take your next steps in sharpening your leadership skills to influence people for Jesus.
Become confident & competent to share the good news of Jesus! Learn to make new disciples and help them grow to become strong in their faith and help others follow Jesus.