STAFF // Ross Thomas

Susan and I each connected with Grace while in college. That decision changed the course of our lives in a great way! We witnessed the Lord do powerful things in our own lives and in lives around us.

I joined the staff team in 2003 to focus on reaching teens in the Raleigh area. The Lord brought Susan and I together in 2009 and grew a passion in us to see new generations of believers experience Jesus in all stages of life. We now live in Cary where we are raising six children.

- Ross Thomas

Ministry Support Team

Ross & Susan are missionaries, making and training disciples both on campus and in the community. Their sending agency is Reliant Mission. If you would like information about joining Ross & Susan as ministry partners, you can use the links below or email Ross directly.

Invited into Our Mission

At our annual elders retreat, Grace Network leaders asked Berk Wilson how he would invite someone to be part of the vision we’re pursuing. Here’s what he said…

Special Highlights

In previous ministry updates, we mentioned some videos about how God is using Grace church and your partnership with Susan and me to make a difference in people's lives. Check out the videos here.

Antonio Drawing the Gospel

Antonio is part of our Centennial Campus church. Here, he’s drawing the 3 Circles Gospel drawing for some new international students at the Free Expression Tunnel during our semester kickoff scavenger hunt.

Geoffrey Sharing with an Uber Driver

Geoffrey is part of our Embassy house church. Listen how he shared Jesus with a taxi driver.

A Peek Under the Hood

If you're curious how we go about sharing the Gospel and following up with new believers, here's a peak at some of the simple tools we use. If you're interested to learn these things yourself or share them with your small group, shoot us an email and we'd love the opportunity to train you!

The 3 Circles

This is the most frequent way we share the Gospel.

The 4-1-1

After someone decides to become a follower of Jesus, this is usually a quick next step in helping them understand their identity and purpose in life.